i want to start a business through internet from home.i have lot much time but no money for investment.pl tell me what can i do.
I want to start a business through internet from home.i have lot much time but no money for investment.pl tell
To tell you an internet business that you have no interest in would be a waste of time. Unless your primary skill really is just a triple-A motivated entrepreneur salesman personality then you would fail. Dont shop for businesses then find something you are interested in. Find something you are interested in then shop for businesses.
I can probably tell you how you can get your feet wet, for free, on just about any subject. Its what I do. And then how to make it grow gradually on its earnings so that you dont have to shell out money. But it needs to be a subject that you love enough. Something that makes you chatter to your friends more than they like hearing. Something you would be willing to turn into work. Something you would be willing to work on even if it didnt make money (altho it very probably would)
Pick a subject. Any subject. It can be an item, hobby, games, craft, sport, pet, country, any subject at all. I dont care if its collecting unicorns or watching hummingbirds. It can be something you know a lot about or it can be something you WANT to know a lot about.
Or how about a skill? Graphics? cartoon doodling? writing? poetry? juggling? music? photography? expert game player? It doesnt have to be something you are good at. Just something you do a lot. or maybe someone elses skill. Do you have a teenager in the house with an exceptional skill at wise-cracking and rude comments on everything? Thats actually very marketable and can really hold down your stress levels by making you smile when he lets one off.
Give us something to work with. Make a list of 10. Throw out all but 3. Then do a new question along the line of "How can I turn my interest in AAAAAAAAA into an internet business?" Because those are the ones that work. Some work a little, some work a whole lot. You can spend a lot of time looking thru pyramid schemes before finding anything that has a better chance (and as enjoyable)
Reply:Save your business venture when you have the time and money to creat your business.
There is no simple answer for your question. There are too many possibilities to do business through internet. The key is : business is for generating income/money, so if you are not willing to invest your money then you must invest your time. Meaning that you sell services and you must bring others that willing to pay for your services or product that you promote. There are Free news letter about all tips and information about this online business which you can subscribe at :
Take your time read the news letter and positioned yourself in the opportunities offered. Send them email if you have question.
Check the example of internet business that has been tested and proven workable, read the prove and testemonials there at:
Good luck
Reply:If you want to start a business on internet I can help you with a very good Idea. Ebay presents a great opportunity. Ebay is world's biggest market place online. Ebay is very easy too. Learning how to sell on ebay is very easy with ebay.in can provide you all information needed. I would suggest you to find a very unique product to sell on ebay. For beginners I would suggest you to read this guide for beginners . http://ebay.makemoneyideas.in . No fees or investment needed.
Reply:you should start a friends networkand start freelancing of data entry, website designing, internet maketing and like that all.
Reply:first decide what you want to do or offer and WRITE IT DOWN IN DETAILS.
understanding and believing in what your doing is key in order for it to become reality, money or not.
then decide all the steps, people and things you need to make it happen.
Next research, and figure out if you have useful skills you can actually use in trade for getting help with your site, and go to the barter section of craigslist.com ....
post a trade for developement services and good luck!
Reply:Learn about the product, the company and the opportunity.
Where do you see yourself getting started? At the bottom working slowly towards building your business, or do you want to be in a position where you can earn 2 times the money for the same amount work and effort that the person at the bottom does?
Reply:create ur own website at blogger.com.
create a google account,
subscribe for google adsense,
its free and easy.
but, contents of ur website should be good and free of porn.
otherwise google will reject.
all the best!
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